What apps appear in the ‘Other apps’ list in Push?
When the Push browser extension detects employee logins to apps it doesn’t recognize as work apps, including internal corporate apps, you’ll see these “other apps” listed on a slideout accessible from the Apps page in the Push admin console.

An app will appear on the Other apps list if Push does not recognize it as a commonly used work app. This includes internal apps on non-publicly-accessible domains, such as apps with a domain of “.internal,” “.intranet,” or “.corp.”
Note that for apps on the Other apps list, you will be able to see the login method and when the app was last seen. Click on the app to see which employee was using it. You will not be able to see app enrichment data, such as account security findings, until the app is added as a work app.
Request an app review
You can request an app review if there are apps in the Other apps list that you use for work. We’ll add them as soon as possible.
To request a review, click on the Actions menu next to the app and select Request app review.

Managing Other apps
If you want to ignore an app in the list, you can select Hide app.

Hiding apps you don’t wish to see any activity for makes it easier to manage if you have a lot of apps in the “other” category. You can still view hidden apps and their associated activity by adjusting the filter.