Can I use my own labels to categorize apps in Push?
Yes. You can create your own custom labels and apply them to the apps in your app inventory.
You may wish to use labels to designate:
The confidentiality, integrity, and availability status of an app.
What kind of data is stored in an app.
Whether an app is IT-managed.
Whether an app has a monthly or annual subscription.
Or anything else you like!
Note: Push also provides options to designate an app’s Sensitivity level and Approval status using a fixed dropdown list of options. We recommend using those fields to list sensitivity level and approval status for apps, as these fields drive specific reporting in the Push dashboard.
To add labels to an app, go to the Apps page in the Push admin console and open the app slideout. Click the Labels icon and add a new label or reuse an existing one. You can also select multiple apps from the Apps table and use the Bulk actions option to assign labels to multiple apps at once.